Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pro Belgica Call to Patriots

Pro Belgica has sent out a message to all members to address the sad state of political stalemate in the country. As they said, to ignore this is to stick our heads in the sand -the situation is not looking good for our country. The radical elements are the ones more happy at this moment, not the good and loyal people who love their country. In their words, "Les flamingants, à ne pas confondre avec nos frères flamands, se font de plus en plus radicaux, de plus en plus pressants pour revendiquer l'autonomie de la Flandre, et certains extrémistes wallons et bruxellois ne sont pas en reste."

However, they hold out hope that the majority of Belgians have not been brain washed by the extremism and support to continue our unity and independence. So, a great patriotic demonstration is being called for Saturday 24 September 2011 to coincide with the 181st anniversary of independence and the 180th anniversary of the Belgian royal dynasty since the battles of 1830. They also ask for arguments, written or oral, to make the case of supporting the country. Let the national colors be waved, let the world see that the Belgians have not given up to the extremists, the sacrifices of past generations will not be brought to ruin. We love our country, we love our King and Family Royal. We reject extremism and separatism. Eendracht maakt macht! L'union fait la force! For more and to show support people are directed to René Lievens, President of the Dynastic Movement.

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